7 khoon maaf boasts of a quality director in the name of Vishal Bhardwaj and brilliant actors of the likes of Priyanka Chopra, Naseeruddin Shah, Irrfan khan, John Abraham, Annu Kapoor and others. Vishal Bhardwaj has established himself as one of the best and innovative and dark shaded directors of his times through his previous films like Maqbool, Omkara and Kaminey and does quiet good with this film too. But he somewhere is unable to give a solid reason behind susanna's six marriages one after the other. The film based on the novel - Susanna's Seven Husbands - by Ruskin Bond is unable to make the same impact on the audience as the novel. Though the screenplay is good overall, it lacks reasoning sometimes.
The too much demanding role from Priyanka Chopra takes a toll on her with she over acting in some places but overall does a decent job. She has acted with conviction. But midway in the film, she seems in a hurry to complete all the list of her husbands. The movie shows that her character gives good enough chance to her first two husbands, played by two very good actors- Neil Nitin Mukesh and John Abraham with their decent performances. But with later husbands, her character seems to be just moving too fast without giving them any chance to regret.
Irrfan khan and Naseeruddin shah play their role fantastically and prove their worth again as established actors. Annu kapoor, at times seems to have over acted. Vivaan has acted pretty well. He seems to have the acting in his genes. The Russian actor has played his part very well and his hindi film dialogues generate some lighter moments in the movie.
The movie lacks any strong climax as the title itself explains everything, though the seventh husband mystery is somewhat good. But it fails to provide any strong twist to the movie.
Overall i would give a rating of 2.5 out of 5 to 7KM which means you can watch the movie in theaters only if you have a lovely partner or enough movie to spend. Otherwise wait till the movie premiers on TV soon. I would also like to add that i am no specialist critic on movies but i am just a normal bollywood movies lover and the above mentioned is purely my opinion.
The too much demanding role from Priyanka Chopra takes a toll on her with she over acting in some places but overall does a decent job. She has acted with conviction. But midway in the film, she seems in a hurry to complete all the list of her husbands. The movie shows that her character gives good enough chance to her first two husbands, played by two very good actors- Neil Nitin Mukesh and John Abraham with their decent performances. But with later husbands, her character seems to be just moving too fast without giving them any chance to regret.
Irrfan khan and Naseeruddin shah play their role fantastically and prove their worth again as established actors. Annu kapoor, at times seems to have over acted. Vivaan has acted pretty well. He seems to have the acting in his genes. The Russian actor has played his part very well and his hindi film dialogues generate some lighter moments in the movie.
The movie lacks any strong climax as the title itself explains everything, though the seventh husband mystery is somewhat good. But it fails to provide any strong twist to the movie.
Overall i would give a rating of 2.5 out of 5 to 7KM which means you can watch the movie in theaters only if you have a lovely partner or enough movie to spend. Otherwise wait till the movie premiers on TV soon. I would also like to add that i am no specialist critic on movies but i am just a normal bollywood movies lover and the above mentioned is purely my opinion.
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